The Federal Association for Bat Conservation Germany (BVF) has published a new position paper on the expansion of the use of wind power (in GERMAN) , in which the weighing of protective goods in favor of the interests of renewable
Long-term individualized monitoring of sympatric bat species reveals distinct species- and demographic differences in hibernation phenology
Hibernation allows species to conserve energy and thereby bridge unfavorable environmental conditions. At the same time, hibernation imposes substantial ecological and physiological costs. Understanding how hibernation timing differs within and between species can provide insights into the underlying drivers of
Information on bats and SARS-CoV 2 – Version 2.0 as well as recommendations for bat workers [in GERMANY]
Due to the globally widespread SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV 2), which causes the disease Covid-19 in humans, there are still concerned questions from citizens in Germany to people working in bat protection and bat research. The reason for the concern
Camera traps with white flash are a minimally invasive method for long-term monitoring of bat hibernation sites
Remote sensing systems have become important survey tools for automatic wildlife monitoring, and their rapid improvement in recent years has transformed ecological research and biodiversity conservation. At bat hibernation sites, infrared light barriers and camera traps with flash offer an
Einladung zu Fledermaus-Fachabenden am 27.01.22 und 03.02.2022 (NABU Fledermausschutz Sachsen)
Der NABU Sachsen lädt herzlich zu den ersten sächsischen Fledermaus-Fachabenden ein. Praktisch aus dem Wohnzimmer präsentieren regionale Fledermaus- und Naturschützer Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit sowie gewonnene Erkenntnisse. Die Vorträge führen von der Landschaft des Erzgebirges bis hin zu den Plattenbauten in
Filmtipp: Fledermäuse – Geheimnisvolle Nachtschwärmer (ARTE)
Ein anschaulicher Dokumentarfilm, in dem weltweit bekannte Fledermausforscher und -forscherinnen über ihre aktuellen Studien berichten. Insbesondere wird auf das Thema “Fledermäuse und Corona” eingegangen, und was wir von den Tieren für unsere eigene Gesundheit lernen können.
Particularly high mortality risk of young and female Nathusius pipistrelles found on wind turbines
Worldwide, a large number of bats are killed by wind turbines, but the specific demographic consequences of mortality from wind turbines are still unclear. In the current study, the characteristics of the Nathusius pipistrelles (Pipistrellus nathusii)killed at wind turbines were
Worries about the common noctule bat
For some time now, the concern about the common noctule (Nyctalus noctula) has been circulating in professional circles, as some long-standing bat conservationists registered some drastic decreases.In order to get to the bottom of these reports and to discuss measures,
Hearing sensitivity and amplitude coding in bats are differentially shaped by echolocation calls and social calls
Abstract: Differences in auditory perception between species are influenced by phylogenetic origin and the perceptual challenges imposed by the natural environment, such as detecting prey- or predator-generated sounds and communication signals. Bats are well suited for comparative studies on auditory
Lack of echolocation during the bat flight discovered
Bats are known for their special form of orientation, echolocation by means of ultrasound. However, recent research suggests that bats rely less on echolocation than has long been thought. To verify this, an American-Israeli research team studied 10 hoary bats(Lasiurus