Progressive urbanization is a phenomenon that can be observed worldwide and in most cases leads to a measurable change in the natural habitats of different species. In the successful adaptation of wild animals to urban conditions, certain behavioral traits presumably
A novel, globally widespread human-wildlife conflict as a result of wind energy
In general, human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) are created wherever habitats and the interests of humans and wild animals cross. This worldwide phenomenon therefore affects both humans and wild animals and the causes are numerous and sometimes extremely complex. While some definitions
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2022!
Comparative studies on the spatial behaviour of brown and grey long-eared bat in Brandenburg
In this study, the spatial behaviour and habitat use of the two sympatrically occurring long-eared bat species Plecotus auritus and Plecotus austriacus in Havelland (Brandenburg) was investigated. The data collection was carried out in the period from 2013 to 2015
Artificial lighting reduces the use of wildlife-crossing structures for bats
The construction of wildlife-crossing structures (especially underpasses and green bridges) for the obstacle-free overcoming of highly frequented traffic routes is the subject of many current plans as a concept for the reconnection of habitats. Bats are also increasingly taken into
BfN Script “Fledermaussschutz in Europa III” released (German language)
Die neue Publikation des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz (BfN) enthält neben der aus früheren Auflagen bekannten umfangreichen Datensammlung in Form der Berichte der Bundesländer zur Nationalen Strategie auch die Beschlüsse der letzten EUROBATS-Vertragsstaatenkonferenzen aus den Jahren 2014 und 2018. Damit sind
Astonishingly accurate: Chronological age determination of bats possible using DNA from wing membrane samples
The age profile of bat populations has a fundamental influence on their conservation status. However, the age of bats, as with all other wild species, is often difficult to determine. A new study led by researchers at the University of